Consultancy services

Need help? Our industry expertise is well established. Let us work with you to make your business stronger!

How can qlassify help?

Develop an engagement strategy

We can use our knowledge and experience of international workforce deployment to help you develop the optimal strategy for your business.
Should you use independent contractors or employees?
Should you work with a partner or open a branch?
Open-ended or fixed-term contracts?
Can’t they just send an invoice?

Qlassify can help!


Find and evaluate employment providers

Qlassify’s expertise in the employer of record space is well recognised. Our staff have been in the industry for years and know the players and the methods.
Should you use one big partner or several small ones?
Which partners will allow you the most flexibility?
Who can help with a fixed-term contract somewhere new?

Qlassify can help!


Cut through the jargon and doublespeak

Engaging with an international workforce is complex; the last thing you need is to be tripping over industry jargon and sales promises.
Qlassify can help you understand the pitches and focus your questions to ensure that you get the information you need to make your business run without surprises – we’ve been there!

Qlassify can help!

Classification Questions

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